September 2023 newsletter: The Demuxed '23 schedule is here!
Ah yes, the post-IBC glow at the end of September. Some of that glow this year was apparently the burning dumpster fire of post-show drama on LinkedIn. A lot to unpack in there, but that's for someone else's newsletter.
On the other end of the post-IBC spectrum were fun things, like VideoLAN Dev Days, and GStreamer Conf. VideoLAN live streamed the talks this year, so both days are up already. GStreamer Conf is also yeeting recordings online as they happen.
Speaking of fun conferences for video devs…
The schedule is up, babyyyyyy! Go ahead and take a look, but as we've been saying, this one brings the heat. We heard the feedback loud and clear around more downtime, so you'll see big, 30 minute breaks throughout the days. The days are a little longer than we'd hoped, but that's what we get in the transition from 2.5 days to 2.
A rough schedule of some other things happening for Video Tech Week: SF
- Friday (10/20) - HLS Interest Group
- Monday (10/23) - Foundations of Open Media Standards and Software
- Tuesday (10/24) - Open Office Happy Hours (If your company is interested in hosting one of these events, shoot us a note!)
- Wednesday (10/25) - Demuxed after party
- Thursday (10/26) - Couchfest 2024 (this is a joke, we, at least, will be doing absolutely nothing)
The Wide World of Video
Video files are big. Storing lots of big files in public clouds is expensive. The Vimeo team dove into how they optimize their video library storage on Google Cloud.
Phil provides your weekly reminder that HEVC is totally a licensing mess. You can pay every patent pool, and still get screwed over by chip manufacturers who refused to join any.
Don't you think the AV1 logo looks kinda like a penguin? No? Just me? Anyway, stateless AV1 on your favourite penguin oriented OS is now a reality.
The Safari 17 WebKit notes were a banger. AV1 (officially! out loud!), Managed Media Source (hallelujah), stats-for-nerds-but-iOS (didn't know I wanted that). Oh and PWA stuff. That's neat too.
There are two types of Linux users: the ones that will eventually give up because something something bluetooth, and the ones that will somehow get Netflix working on Asahi Linux (legally! question mark?)
There was a period of time in the early 2010s where other people would get 3 Netflix DVDs at a time, rip them as soon as they could (in 540p), then mail them back and do it again. Did they watch those movies? Overwhelmingly no, but they had a sweet looking XBMC library, which is the most important thing. Rumor has it that learning process is why those other people work in the video industry today. Goodnight sweet DVD prince, parting is such sweet sorrow.
A lot of people around the world enjoy watching soccer, aka the other, less interesting football (jk, jk, please put down the weapons). Apparently a lot of people don't like paying to watch soccer. LaLiga's most recent stab at stopping people from not paying to watch soccer is asking Google to delete a bunch of apps from peoples' phones. Bold strategy.
In case there was any doubt whatsoever, yes, of course VideoLAN already got BBB playing in VLC on the Apple VisionOS simulator.
A bunch of streaming companies have joined forces to lobby the US government around streaming-related regulation. Ostensibly a point of focus is going to be net-neutrality, but the gist is that regulators are thinking a lot about social, which has video, and streaming companies would like to not be in that regulatory club.
Upcoming meetups/community events
9/28 - SF Video Technology (San Francisco) ‼️ Last one of 2023!
10/03 - London Video Tech (London)
10/04 - Seattle Video Tech (Seattle)
10/05 - PDX Video Tech (Portland)
10/11 - Cloud Native Media (London)
10/20 - HLS Interest Group
10/23 - Foundations of Open Media Standards and Software
10/24-25 - ✨ Demuxed ✨
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